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The fastest way to get the books you need for all your courses!
Thank you for shopping at the Mesa College Campus Store!
Mesa Campus Store hours are Monday thru Thursday 8:00 - 4:00, Friday 8:00 -Noon, closed Saturday and Sunday.
Book and other course material information are available on our website. Please allow 3 -4 business days for processing orders. Shipping is normally 2 -3 days UPS after order is processed.
Mesa College Campus Store is currently shipping materials for Fall 2024.
Mesa College Campus Store * 619-388-2715 *
mesabook@sdccd.edu *
DELL Laptops can be ordered online and will be shipped directly to you. Dell Orders are not able to be cancelled and are not refundable, The models are listed below in the General Merchandise area.
Store Hours
Monday: 8:00-4:00 |
Tuesday: 8:00-4:00 |
Wed: 8:00-4:00 |
Thurs: 8:00-4:00 |
Friday: 8:00-Noon |
Saturday Closed |
Sunday: Closed |